How to Define the Ring Size Accurately?

Your engagement or wedding ring will be a constant symbol of proposal or marriage, long after the happy event has ended. For that reason, defining the right size is crucial.
Choosing the marriage ring is much easier than picking a proposal one, because the bride and groom can participate and try on different sizes.
Several different things impact ring measurement, so determining the perfect ring size can be one of the most complicated and stressful parts of engagement and wedding preparation. That’s why we have created this tutorial for picking the right ring size.
What Can Affect Ring Size?
Obviously, the ring size depends on the size of your finger on which you will wear it. Don’t forget that the temperature, pregnancy, diet, and similar occurrences can affect the ring size.
What Is Your Finger Shape?
Do you know what your finger shape is? For example, if you have tapered fingers, then your ring may slide off easily, so it is important to choose a ring that perfectly fits.
If you have knotted fingers with the knuckle in the middle of the finger, you need to be extra careful and choose a ring that can slide perfectly across the knuckle but not be too wide.

When Is the Perfect Moment to Measure the Finger Size?
It is better to measure it when your body temperature is at its average. If the conditions aren't too hot or too cold, your fingers aren't swollen. Your fingers may swell if just woke up or ate salty food or drank alcohol.
The best time to measure your ring finger is in the middle of the day at room temperature.
Which Technique Serves the Best?
Paper Technique
One of the most popular ways to measure your ring’s size is the paper technique. Wrap a thin piece of paper around your finger and keep it close to your knuckle where the wedding ring will be placed. Be careful and not wrap too tight, make sure you feel comfortable for the optimal reading.
Grab a pencil and mark the spot on the paper where the ends overlap. Take a ruler, measure the paper's length, and compare measurements on the size guide.
Printable Technique
Almost every online jewelry store has a ring size guide you can print out and use to determine your ring's size more precisely. Print and cut the ring sizer, wrap it around your ring finger and gently pull until it fits securely. Then check the number of your ring size from the guide.
Use the ring you already have
Grab the ring you already wear that sits perfectly on your finger and place it against a ruler. Measure the inner diameter and compare measurements to the size guide. You can also print out the manual, put your ring directly on the paper, and choose the ring size that perfectly matches the ring you currently wear.

How Can You Guess the Ring Size of Your Partner?
Most people want to keep the proposal a surprise and don't want to involve their partner in the engagement ring selection. You can try to find out that information from their friends or family, or, if you don't have that kind of resources, you can try and measure the diameter of their current ring. Don’t forget to consider their finger shape and note if their fingers swell during physical activity.
Even if you don't choose the right size, you can still surprise your partner, and after they say yes, bring the ring back to the jeweler for resizing.